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submit your work

Any Portland Community College student may submit up to 5 poems, 2 short stories, 2 scripts, 2 creative nonfiction essays, 4 pieces of visual artwork. Bilingual/multilingual work will be considered. We will also consider limited submissions of non-student work, but we are committed to publishing primarily the work of PCC student writers and artists. All work is carefully reviewed for consideration by our editorial team!


Submit your work(s) via email to Written works should be submitted as a .docx file and visual artwork as a print quality .jpeg or .png file. 


All submissions must be titled. Include your name, list of titles submitted, PCC email, and phone number in the submission email, but submission files should not have your name or identifying information within the file itself. All contributors will receive a copy of The Bellwether Review.
Send your work to by April 5, 2024 to be considered.


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