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A photo of a figure silhouetted next to a truck at dusk. A green beam of light is being emitted from the figure's eyes.

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"Night Watch"

Morgan Belden

No Welcome Wagon

Luka Russo

That decrepit ashtray is a gatekeeper, 


and knowing watchdog.


I have been here before, 

crying over traphouse children's laughter,

trembling with sisters in school chairs reused.



We marked calendars with dead friends birthdays,

and that bucket of inkless pens: 

an unwanted triumph.

Now my body is a compass for breathing.


I, once a shrouded corset,

followed it to this entrance. 

Where cigarettes wrap secrets until they are burned into the air. 

I inhale and listen.


    Anywhere I choose to snarl at my demons. 

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