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Stephanie Thomson

You knew the Saints, and they were not kind. You knew this, and yet you prayed to them. You're on your hands and knees, bound to the...

David Hurley

In the cool night air of the city, a woman named Moe walks down the street. She walks past dozens of rich town businesses while...

Eliza Jones

The walls of the cave were red stone, smooth and barren. The ground was slanted, stretching into a darkness the sunlight couldn't...

Morgan Belden

We knew it was too good to be true when she walked into our class, eyes sparkling, and looked at us with a gaze so full of hope and...

Penny Harper

Anna Margareta Buxtehude glanced nervously out the window of the sitting room as she straightened the cushions on the chairs. Her family...

Tyler Allen

You remember you're on a beach, the air cool and wet, and you feel a breeze on your face. You know it's real because...

Ian Rule

Arther took a calming breath and raised the pistol to his head. Candles cast a soft light, filling his living room with a mockingly gentle...

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